Friday, June 27, 2008

Praise be to the Almighty

If there is one line that struck me in "Get Smart," it would be "Oh, my Lord." It was said by the Chief during the butt-dragging-through-the-train-rails scene. It showed how utter reliance on the Lord is inevitable during desperate times beyond human control.

Every single day, millions of people cry out to the Lord out of desperation. But much fewer cry out to the Lord in gratitude undeniably due Him. Thanks be to God for everything. For love. For peace. For joy. For things beyond our knowledge. For things within our grasp. For dreams left unfulfilled. For ambitions turned into realities. For forgiving every time we sin. For welcoming prodigal sons and daughters.

I am a prodigal son. I've had my unfair share of weaknesses, failures, and unworthinesses. But like the most famous prodigal son, when I come back, my Father will shower me with blessings far more gratifying than any of the stray-aways while lost. He will rejoice to see me again. He will hold a banquet especially for my coming back. He will celebrate my arrival.

But I am where I am, and where I am right now is not where I should be. My Father awaits for me in worry.

Lord, help me see the bigger picture.

Until I become McArthur, I will be truly downcast.

I shall return.

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