There are two kinds of adaptable: the one that succumbs to peer pressure and the one that does not.
©2004-2007. by Ben Anthony A. Lopez.
There are two kinds of adaptable: the one that succumbs to peer pressure and the one that does not.
whispered by
2:31 PM
blacked out
When I was a student, I was used to things sprawled over my bed: pens, books, papers. I would even wake up with my backpack still slung over my shoulders, without having to brush my teeth. At other times, instead of my saliva watering my pillow, it would be the blot of a highlighter on my sheets greeting me as I wake up.
But that has changed. I'm no longer a student––no pressures, no requirements. Now that I'm sick and depressed, I'd be left to my thoughts and to prayer before sleeping. Last night, I even felt too tired, even though my life hasn't been that stressful.
I've tried adapting with lots of books. I'd stack them on my bed, but I would read them at an inequitable pace: thick books are given a day, thin books stretched over a week. I would even read two or three books at the same time. These stacks would not usually fall off my bed because: my body has been used to the immobilization, with the spine disease and what not; I'm used to sleeping with the stacks on my bed.
But today, I wake up with books on the floor. Four books are scattered unhurt, except for the bookmark being spit out of Changing Minds. My Bible is left with me on my bed. For a while, I haven't read my Bible because I see snippets of Scripture on my phone, on my iPod and in the books that I read. With the Bible not falling off, I sense there must be something. It's as if the Spirit told me: You're reading all those books. Read me instead.
I bring the Bible to the bathroom and opened to Psalm 22 (NIV):
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?
O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, and am not silent.It would seem just like my usual morning devotion, with the psalmist David's rants sharing my sentiments––until I reach verse 17, "I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me," and the number 288 lingered in my head, almost ineradicably. Is that the number of bones that I have? I didn't have Google at hand so I just flipped over to Psalm 28:8:
The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.Must this be the message the Lord wants to tell me? I look at other books. How many books are there that have 28:8's, or is there a book with 2:88, or should it be the 2nd book, 8th chapter, 8th verse for Kings or Samuel or Chronicles?
Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand.I guess that must be it: two verses almost meaning the same, differing only by the tenses. I know I'm frail. I hope this encourages me enough to be strengthened all the time.
whispered by
4:55 PM
blacked out
The taxi driver didn't ask for extra while I was boarding.
I was running a bit late for a Cinemalaya movie screening at CCP. I was a bit irritable from my medicine so I just kept quiet and listened to the radio jokes.
I saw the driver smirking from the mirror. He was a young driver, the type with the shades and the bling-bling, and the metallic punk smell. He had the belly of a drunkard.
Contrary to his gangster look, he was not arrogant. In fact, he was shy, too timid that when we had gotten too comfortable with the viscous traffic and we'd been talking, I had to draw closer and ask him to repeat what he'd said several times.
Those thirty minutes of brief biographies had been an exchange of compassion unlike any other. You could imagine help for the countless flood victims, where needs are easily met with relief help. Or you could imagine rescue for a bloodied victim. But who would have imagined compassion flowing freely between two seemingly normal men, let alone strangers––a father who would seem to have no problems, what with the bling-blings, the laughs, the motorcycle-gangster aura, and a young guy with his metal brace hidden under a jacket the taxi driver hadn't even noticed?
There we were, listening intently at each other: he, imparting the many lessons he had had learned during the many fights with his wife and the many missed opportunities; and I, graciously sharing the hope that I had been struggling to have during my darkest times.
We professed our weaknesses to each other, trying to encapsulate all problems in that brief car ride.
My short stint as a counselor would end with a surprise. We reached CCP, but we were both reluctant to separate and stop talking. I pay him a little more than what was on the meter, but he gives me back the fifty-peso bill! He'd wanted me to pay less than what was on the meter (What? Is he paying me for the talk?)
Not only did he not ask for more than what was due, but he had also demanded less than what was required. Wow! How many taxi drivers are like him?
That stalled my being late even more, and it got me thinking.
Both parties insisted that the other get it. Finally, I had to break the foolishness and the pause. I won the argument of course, and he got it.
I will miss the driver. Bless his soul.
whispered by
9:00 PM
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2:30 PM
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whispered by
1:58 AM
blacked out
Not about fondness, but of friendship
Not culture (pressure), not tradition (habit), but of divine
Not logic, not emotion, but just measures and fair scales
Not irrational, but just human
Not logical, but just human
Not existence, but life
Not parasitic nor commensal, but mutual
Not wasting time, but spending time
Not correspondence, but friendship
Not romantic, not platonic, not brotherly, but raw love
Not about the label, but the feel
Not pleasure, but gladness
Not power of friendship, but raw trust and belief--simple yet powerful
Not hate, but love--hard though undeserved, albeit right
Not resolution, but reconciliation
Not problem, but relationship
Not dilute nor saturate, but concentrate
Not filtration, but titration
Not the endpoint, but the change
Not so much of the change as with the changing
Not virtual, but real
Not idealistic, but realistic
Not servitude, but help
Not passive, but passion
A temporary distraction, a transient refocus
Not presence, but influence
Not change, but improvement
Not progress, but growth
Not a struggle, but a striving
Not so much of the way than it is with the will
Not to give up and tire, but a pause and a rest
Not a period, but a comma
Not punctuation, but conjunction
Not about not's, but about but's
Not adjective, but verb
Not words, but deeds
Not so much with the beatings and blows as it is with the healing and hello's
Not to keep it up, but to keep up
Not to keep it up, but to keep it
whispered by
1:01 AM
blacked out
I classify my previous post as a joyous exclamation of the inexplicable that I felt that day--emotion-inspired, and thus rash.
When I think about it though, that supernatural moment should not have been a "validation" of Jesus, in that the Bible says that the Lord's grace is sufficient. I was duped into thinking that the possibility of the supernatural in our time and age could be used to prove God's wonder; when in fact, His word is enough. Despite having been deceived, I trust in the Lord that He will reveal things far better.
What it did was to strengthen my faith. I tried to convince myself to trust in Him a lot more. I thought it was that easy, having experienced the magical as a testament of His power, but as I later on find out, it's still a struggle, even with His supremacy clear.
One thing's clear: The Lord Jesus Christ ultimately wins.
whispered by
12:13 AM
blacked out
Wednesday June 20, 2012
Today I experienced the supernatural--a validation that Jesus is living, real, loving and supreme. He reigns above all.
Praise be to the Lord. HALLELUJAH!
whispered by
1:37 AM
blacked out
Six months into the medication (9 months sick), I still am change-averse. How long must I undergo this period of maladjustment (having difficulty in adapting)? Usually knowing the problem is the first step in solving it, but even knowing that I am having difficulty adjusting doesn't help. I struggle at everything!
This state I am in just proves how human beings can be "human". Such torture to feel no one understands!
Lord Jesus, rescue me. I pray that my condition and my brain don't get the best of me, but that You do.
whispered by
4:10 PM
blacked out
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2:00 AM
blacked out
Spatio-temporal discrepancies
Distance me from the world and the people.
Upon reunion, I fail
At the challenge of relating,
And discerning what's normal
And what's inappropriate,
What's weird.
Such collisions
Are an urge so hard to fight:
The bottled up frustrations
I fume myself with,
Will I let them out?
In a simmer, in graduation,
Or in total?
I cannot fathom
The polarities that don't seem to meet
whispered by
1:08 AM
blacked out
When the pitcher is about to tip over, will you not avoid the spillage if within your reach?
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10:31 AM
blacked out
That moment when you realize that the things you've done are happening to you.
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2:45 PM
blacked out
Today I was given anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills. And no, not by a psychiatrist. Just my neurologist.
When taking pills, I would usually want to know the mechanism of action, but right now I'm just too tired and apathetic. I've lost lots of weight in the past 5 weighings (55 kg, 52 kg, 50 kg, 48 kg, 47 kg, 44 kg), and that downslope is not good for my immune system, says my neurologist.
I don't want to go to the psychiatrist. Please haul me out.
whispered by
9:50 PM
blacked out